What are the key features of Fundamental Rights?
features of fundamental right is this it all the people equal. the constitution of India grants equality to all its citizen it is stabilized the rule of law as an important element of the Indian Constitution the state cannot discriminate against anyone in matter relating to employment it how waiver this excludes special provision for the weaker section of society including the scheduled caste the scheduled tribes and the other backward classes.
the people of the state have freedom.
freedom is a basic human right and a very significant element of democracy that to freedom grants 6 basic freedom to the Indian citizens these are
freedom of speech and expression
freedom to assemble peacefully without arms
freedom to form association and unions
freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India
freedom to decide and settle in any part of country
freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation trade and business
right to freedom of religion
ideal of secularism is based on the idea that the state has to be impartial in dealing with all religion every person has the right to Professor practice and propagate the religion he oblique she believes in every religious community
feature of fundamental right are that it gives all the people to practice any religions.
Indian constitution recognises the dignity of the individual and protect against any form of exploitation
Fundamental Rights Features:
- The constitution of India guarantees equal rights for all its people by stabilizing the rule of law as an important factor of the Indian constitutional that the government cannot differentiate against anyone in job matters.
- How exemption removes special provisions for the poorer sections of society, including the proposed classification for the scheduled tribes and the other disadvantaged groups. The Indian constitution recognizes the individual or group dignity and protects against all forms of exploitation.
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