What are the lasting effect of colonization on the India
the Effects of Colonization in:
1. Culture
2. Trade
3. Religion
--->A change in culture
--->A change in culture
..One long term effect of colonization is a change in the culture of a colonized area or people group. In many instances an area was colonized by force, one example being the Spanish invasion of the Americas. An article put out by the London Business School describes the conquest of the Inca Empire. “…the Spanish had several powerful forces at their command: superior weaponry, gunpowder, and iron, and the cavalry…” In the 16th century the Spanish forces conquered the Inca and Aztec empires, which lead to the adaptation of the Spanish culture from Mexico to South America which still exists today. In North America a more sparsely populated Indian population existed which allowed the French and British to establish colonies on the continent. At this point in history Europe was a more advanced nation, and European culture had a great and long-lasting effect on less advanced lands which they colonized.
..A driving motive for colonization was often trade. The British Empire sought after trade with Asia, and during the reign of Queen Victoria I they developed the East India Trading Company. Another example is the French fur and trapping industry in Canada. “… a second natural resource increased in importance - fur. Demand in Europe for furs, especially beaver, was strong up to the early 1900s. To meet this demand, European trappers moved westward across Canada in search of the desired fur-bearing animals often entering traditional native Indian hunting and gathering territories.” (A. Hecht, “The Canadian Fur Industry”) The Spanish colonies in the Americas concentrated mostly on precious metals. “.... In these eras the precious metals of the New World came almost exclusively from the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. The other countries did not have gold mines: for them the question was not how to keep hold of gold, but how to attract it.” (London Business School, “The Spanish Colonization of America”) The long-term effects established through trade consisted of natural resources revealed and used in the colonized lands, as well as a strengthened economy set up between England, France, and Spain and the land surrounding them.
..Another long term effect on colonized countries comes through religion. Believing "The Lord is high above all nations..." (Psalm 113:4), the nations having the Lord sought to expand His reign "even to the remotest part of the earth" (Acts 1:8). In some cases it becomes a driving motive for colonization in an attempt to spread the gospel. In other cases it is not the main motive, but a side-effect that is adapted by colonized peoples. A striking example is again found in the conquest of the Aztec empire. Before the invasion by Cortes, the Aztec nation practiced human sacrifice and idol worship. Now, however, the area which the Aztecs once occupied is predominantly Catholic. In an article entitled, “Teaching About… Religion in Latin America” Ronnie Kahn states, “Due to Spanish and Portuguese colonization initiated in the 1500s, Latin America and Latin Americans have been viewed as under the control of the Catholic Church.”
Answer: British imperialism had many positive and negative effects on India. India was introduced to much more modern technology communication systems, an increase in population and standard of living, but also lead of famine, and dependency on Britain……………