What are the limitations of a democratic form
of government?
One of the limitations of democratic governance is that no one branch of the government is supposed to hold too much power. The president could for instance appoint someone for a certain position only for him to be disapproved by the senate
◇ A democratic government cannot do whatever it likes, simply because it has won an election.
◇ It has to respect some basic rules. In particular it has to respect some guarantees to the minorities.
◇ Uneducated and uncultured peoples could get a chance to rule the entire country.
◇ Expensiveness of election process.
◇ There is chance for wide spread and evergreen corruption.
◇ There is not protection for common man as the leaders itself try to misuse or misbehave in the public.
◇ The leaders try to play divide and rule games.
◇ They encourage unfair business practices to get support for election campaigns.