Psychology, asked by singhriya7745, 10 months ago

What are the limitations of educational guidence


Answered by bchreddy39gmailcom


What are the Benefits and limitations of guidance to students?


Benefits of guidance

(i) It assists the students to understand him.

(ii) It helps the student to get maximum out of the school.

(iii) It helps the students to become acceptable to other stu­dents.

(iv) It helps the student in making a careful choice of subjects and courses for himself.

(v) It helps in developing good study habits in the student.

(vi) It helps the students to make a proper choice about occu­pation.

(vii) It provides for special provision for the education of gifted students, slow learners and handicapped students.

(viii) It helps the students in developing better personal social and emotional relationships.

Benefits to the Teacher

(i) It helps the teacher to have a better understanding of his students.

(ii) It helps the teacher to know more about strengths and weaknesses of his students.

(iii) It enables the teacher to devise suitable methods so as to meet the specific and individual needs of the students.

(iv) Teachers come in closer contact with the students and can obtain useful information from them.

Benefits to Parents

(i) It helps the parents in understanding their child in a better way.

(ii) It helps the parents to get suitable and adequate informa­tion about various courses of study and vocations.

(iii) It helps in improving parent-teacher relationship.

(iv) It helps in improving the relationships between the parent, the school and the university.

Benefits to the Community

(i) It provides to the community with better adjusted citizens.

(ii) It avoids various problems which otherwise would lead to mental illness.

Benefits to the Administrators

(i) It helps the administrators to make admissions to various courses.

(ii) It helps the administrators to make best use of available resources (e.g. money, time, energy etc. ) of the staff, stu­dents, parents and the community.

Limitations of Guidance

Mostly these services are not properly organised.

Such services lack in men and materials.

More emphasis is being laid on psychological tests.

Existing conditions of life are too complex and so they can

Directive and non-directive guidance/ counselling

It has been pointed out by Arbuckle that the directive counselling people consider counselling as “a means of helping people how to learn to solve their own problems” and the non-directive counselling people consider counselling as, “A means of allowing the client to gain an understanding of himself to a degree which enables him to take positive steps in the light of his new orientation.”

The important features of direct counselling as suggested by Jane Waters are as follows:

(i) During the interview attention is focussed upon a specific problem and various possibilities of its solution.

(ii) During the interview the counsellor plays a more active role as compared to the client.

(iii) The client makes the decision but the counselors try his best to help the client to make a decision. He helps the client by informing, explaining, interpreting and advising.

Stages in Counselling

The following five stages for counselling have been proposed by Rogers:

(i) The client seeks the help of the counsellor.

(ii) The client expresses his emotional attitudes freely.

(iii) The client gains insight.

(iv) The client formulates plans.

(v) The client terminates the contract with the counsellor.

Role of the Counsellor

A counsellor plays various roles, some of these are :

(i) He assists the pupils to understand themselves and their social and psychological world.

(ii) He assists the pupils to accept their aptitudes, abilities, interests and opportunities for self-fulfilment.

(iii) He helps the students to develop in them the decision-making competency.

(iv) He helps the other staff members, to understand individual students, by supplying them with material information, and evaluations.

(v) He helps parents to understand the development needs of their children.

(vi) He informs the community, the importance of considering the individual and interpreting to them the role of counsel­ling in such consideration.

(vii) He helps in promoting in the community non-school devel­opmental opportunities for children.

viii) He helps in developing/using community resources for meeting the unseal or extreme needs of pupils.

Non-Directive Guidance

The steps for non-directive guidance’s as suggested by Rogers are as follows:

(i) The individual seeks the help of counsellor.

(ii) The counsellor defines the situation by indicating that he does not have the answer but can provide a place and atmosphere wherein the client can think of the answers or solutions to his problems.

(iii) The behaviour of the counsellor is friendly, interesting and encourages free expression of the feeling about the prob­lem of individual.

(iv) The counsellor tries to understand the feeling of the indi­vidual.

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