what are the loud responses that were brought about in china
There are some societies where people are expected to avoid being noisy in public and they behave accordingly. Then there's China.
This country that I love is many things, but quiet is not one of them.
There are plenty of bustling cities - rammed with millions of people - where you could be frowned upon for disrupting others with a raised voice: Seoul, London, Tokyo… especially Tokyo.
China does not have those cities.
The word most often used here to describe a great restaurant is not "moody" nor "intimate" nor "tasteful" but "renao". To be is to be bustling with noise and excitement.
After all, who'd want to go to one of those fussy, dull joints where you couldn't bring kids or laugh too loud or spill a beer?
An elderly Chinese woman laughs with a man carrying a baby in Ritan Park on June 10, 2016 in Beijing, China.
image captionLaughter is often part of the noise
Now, given that I've lived in Beijing for 12 years, you would think that outbursts in public would be as nothing to this hardened correspondent, fully enmeshed in the ways of the Middle Kingdom, yet China can always turn on a surprise.
So there I am at a cafe nearby, feeling all urbane with a light caffeine buzz on: newspaper; some other reading material; Chet Baker's mournful trumpet floating around the room at just the right level; I can't help noticing a smart-looking beautiful woman across the other side of the room talking to her friend and…
"Weeiiii"!!! [Hello!]
Somebody starts a phone call at the top of their voice in full-flight pirate-sounding Beijing dialect. Anyone who has heard a Beijing taxi driver on the phone to the family at home will know exactly how this sounds.
"Naaaarrrrrr? Bu shirrrrrr baaaaa." [Where? No it isn't.]
People read at a cafe in Meguro neighbourhood in Tokyo, Japan,
image captionA cafe in Japan on the other hand, is likely to be an oasis of calm
At this point a Chinese farmer walks in carrying the fake and/or stolen watches he's been selling on the street.
He's carrying his flask of tea, has no intention of buying anything at the cafe and sits on a stool with best view out of the window, next to his mate who also has no intention of buying anything but is very interested in showing the purveyor of watches an awesome new video game on his phone.
Woooshhhh! Bam! Bam! Ba-doing!!! The two of them crack up laughing and they keep playing.
Just as the first conversation is getting heated, a young convert to Christianity sits down next to me and starts praying before diving into her diary-style, each-day-a-new-lesson, introduction to Jesus.