what are the main cause and measures of the dowry system in our society?
Encourage to gender discrimination and female foeticide Our society gives more preference to the boy child. Dowry culture also encourages female foeticide due to gender inequality and most families can't afford wedding expenses.
There are a lot of causes of dowry system in our society but the main reasons are:
It is a tradition
Yes, dowry is a marital tradition that is coming for the last centuries when the bride’s parents give needful things at her daughter’s marriage so she can survive well. But now we have become mandatory for everyone. Either you have money or not but you will have to give dowry on her girl marriage. The dowry tradition still continues and increasing day by day.
Greedy Groom families demand it
A groom’s family asks to bride parents what things will you give before or on marriage? Because their boy is doing a good job, they have good property, their boy is doing a good business, they have a nice reputation in the society or more reason for demanding it. If her parents are agreed then the bride and groom get married, otherwise no relation is made. However, all these matters are discussed before their engagement or initially...