what are the main challenges to democracy in India
Caste is the greatest challenge of India. Casteism seems to be growing by leaps and bound with every passing year. Most Indians vote on the basis of caste and support those parties who promise reservation to their castes. We are seeing rise of caste-based parties and the caste based reservation is taking an ugly turn in most part of India.
2: Creed
Nothing sells more in Indian politics than religion. Politicians often project themselves to be most devout follower of their religion and the member of other religions as evil, antinational. They have been quite successful in creating hatred among the different creeds. By making some religions villains, they become the hero of the people of their own religion.
3: Corruption
India is one of the most corrupt countries of the world. The credit has to be given to our masses who have no qualms in electing the corrupt politicians even if they are in jail. It is a mutual relationships. Politicians bribe voters during the elections and voters bribe the politicians after the election. They fool each other and they blame each other for fooling them.
4: Competency
Administration is a serious business. You need the knowledge of rules, laws and procedures to head the government. Even the lowest rank government officer is selected by a rigorous process. However, any one can become a minister. You may be failed in your school and still you can become the Education minister and direct the Director and VCs of the top universities and colleges. People elect their leaders not on the basis of their competency, but on other extraneous factors. Unless we have competent people to head the government, democracy can’t succeed.