what are the main objectives of sixth five year plan?
Objectives of the Sixth Five Year Plan India :-
The objectives of the Sixth Five Year Plan India were mainly focused on increasing industrialization and reducing long-standing problems such as poverty and unemployment. Some of the highlights and predominant aims of the Sixth Five Year Plan India are enumerated as under :
to increase the growth rate of the economy
to concentrate on the promotion of efficient use of resources
to improve productivity level
to initiate modernization for achieving economic and technological self-reliance
to control poverty and unemployment
to develop indigenous energy sources and efficient energy usage
to promote improved quality of life of the citizens
to introduce Minimum Needs Program for the poor and needy with an emphasis to reduce the discrepancies in income and wealth accumulation
to initiate Family Planning Programs in order to check the growing population trends
to protect and improve ecological and environmental assets
to promote the education at all