Computer Science, asked by mianshahkar, 2 months ago

what are the main parts of computer network


Answered by mrmajnu51



➡️Computer netwo`rks sha~re common devices, functions, and features including servers, clients, transmi~ssion med`ia, sh~ared data, shar~ed printers and other hardware and software resources, network interface card(NIC), local opera`ting syst`em(LOS), and the net`work operating system (NOS

  • Computer ne~twork comp`onents are the major pa`rts which are needed to ins~tall the software. Some important net`work compo`nents are NIC, switch, cable, hub, router, and mod`em. Depending on the type of netwo~rk that we need to in`stall, some netwo`rk comp`onents can also be remo`ved.

hope this helps you

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