What are the main type of vegetation found in india?
natural vegetation in India:
(1) Tropical Evergreen Rain Forests,
(2) Deciduous or Monsoon Type of Forests,
(3) Dry Deciduous Forests and Scrubs,
(4) Semi Desert and Desert Vegetation,
(5) Tidal or Mangrove Forests
There are 5 types of Vegetation found in India:-
• Tropical Evergreen Forests
• Tropical Deciduous Forests
• Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs
• Montane Forests
• Mangrove Forests
➦ Evergreen forests are mostly found in the areas of heavy rainfall and receive a high amount of sunlight.
➦ In India these types of forest are found in the North-east, western ghats, West Bengal and Odisha .
➦ Trees found :- Banksia, coniferous, eucalyptus, Live oak.
➦ Animals found :- Elephants, monkeys, deer, one-horned rhino, birds, bats, sloth,snails.
➦ Deciduous forest get rainfall above 200cm.
➦ In these forest trees shed their leaves for 6-8 weeks in dry summer.
➦ Tress found :- Teak,bamboo, neem, mulberry.
➦ Animals found :- Lion, tiger, deer, tortoise, elephants, birds, lizards.
➦ The thorn forests and scrubs receive less rainfall then 70 cm.
➦ These vegetation are found in north western part of India.
➦ Trees found:- Palms, euphorbia, cactus, acacias.
➦ Animals found:- Rabbits, fox, camel, wolf.
➦ These forests are found generally in high altitude regions, of height 1000-2000 m (3600m above sea level)
➦ In India Montane forests are found in the hilly areas of Assam, West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, himalayas and Nagaland.
➦ Trees found :- silver fir, juniper, pines.
➦ Animals found :- Jack rabbit, wild sheep, spotted deer.
➦ These forests are found in the areas where coast is influence by tides, mud and silt are accumulated on such coasts.
➦ In India such vegetations are found in the deltas of Ganga, mahanadi, krishna, kaveri and Godavari.
➦ Trees found :- coconut, palm, agar.
➦ Animals found:- Royal bengal tiger,snakes, tortoise, crocodile.