What are the major tenets of autism
If your child is on the spectrum, he might show some social symptoms by the time he’s 8 to 10 months old. These may include any of the following:
He can’t respond to his name by his first birthday.
Playing, sharing, or talking with other people doesn’t interest him.
He prefers to be alone.
He avoids or rejects physical contact.
He avoids eye contact.
When he’s upset, he doesn’t like to be comforted.
He doesn’t understand emotions -- his own or others’.
He may not stretch out his arms to be picked up or guided with walking.
About 40% of kids with autism spectrum disorders don’t talk at all, and between 25% and 30% develop some language skills during infancy but then lose them later. Some children with ASD start talking later in life.
Most have some problems with communication, including these:
Delayed speech and language skills
Flat, robotic speaking voice, or singsong voice
Echolalia (repeating the same phrase over and over)
Problems with pronouns (saying “you” instead of “I,” for example)
Not using or rarely using common gestures (pointing or waving), and not responding to them
Inability to stay on topic when talking or answering questions
Not recognizing sarcasm or joking
Every child is special even Albert Einstein and Issac Newton showed signs of autism .