Biology, asked by devanjana, 1 year ago

What are the means through which diseases can spread?


Answered by amansinghaster
Atmosphere , touching

amansinghaster: Ok
Answered by Kuldeepnehra
Diseases causing germs can be spread via direct or indirect contact.
(A)Direct Contact:-1.Person -to-Person contact like S.T.Ds 2.Drop let Spread like coughing, sneezing.
(B) Indirect Contact:-Through air and other mechanism 1.Airborne transmission like Measles 2.Contaminated Objects:-Germs can spread through Contaminated blood products and medical appliances 3.Via Contaminated Food &Drinking water 4.Animals to person contact by biting or scratches 5Animal Reservoir like zoonosis( Rabies, plague) 6 Insects bites (Vector-born diseases) through mosquitoes, fleas & ticks
7 Environmental Reservoirs Soil,water, vegetation containing infections organisms....I have tried my best to give all possible routes of transmission of diseases. Hope it helps..
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