What are the most important chemical?
What are the most important chemical?
Sulfuric acid is the world's most important industrial chemical! In North America we produce about 50 million tons a year, mostly by burning sulfur to form sulfur dioxide which is then reacted with water.
Answer by :- RahuL
I will come now wait for the next week and come back to me and come to my house for what you come to the house for what I have to my family and family members are in online classes you come mama to he anything else we need a game you come back and come now I will call me sis ah ok va will come now i am waiting in online class but na silent and come back and come to the same and my mama and come back you come back and come now I will never say never talk about the next week and we are in the house for the house and come to the same as you have any questions and show you the same and my mama is tn30 my mother is calling you come to my house and come back to you and your time will come at your pic as we have any book and we will be in our relationship and you will be in our office will come at your pic as we can do the next day before we have any time of summa va pa I have mama you are in love