what are the negative effects of modern agriculture
(i) Limits or destroys the natural habitat of most wild creatures, and leads to soil erosion.
(ii) Use of fertilizers can alter the biology of rivers and lakes.
. Negative Impacts:
(i) Limits or destroys the natural habitat of most wild creatures, and leads to soil erosion.
(ii) Use of fertilizers can alter the biology of rivers and lakes. Some environmentalists attribute the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico as being encouraged by nitrogen fertilization of the algae bloom.
(iii) Pesticides generally kill useful insects as well as those destroy crops.
(iii) The same area of land is able to supply food and fibre for a larger population reducing the risk of starvation.
(iv ) Is often not sustainable if not properly managed-may result in desertification, or land that is 20 poisonous and eroded that nothing else will grow there.
(v) Requires large amounts of energy input to produce, transport and apply chemical fertilizers/pesticides,
(vi) The chemicals used may leave the field as run off eventually ending up in rivers and lakes or may drain into groundwater aquifers.
(vii) Use of pesticides have numerous negative health effects in workers who apply them, people that line nearby the area of application or downstream/downwind from it, and consumers who eat the pesticides which remain on their food.