Physics, asked by mabundaalia, 9 months ago

What are the negative impact of carbon dioxide on the hydrosphere?


Answered by sray94885


rise in carbondioxide gas leads to global warming due to which there is a rise in the average temerature of the earth which results in melting of ice caps and thus gives rise to floods as a result of increase in water level


Answered by ankitraj829467


The component of the hydrosphere most greatly affected by this emission of carbon dioxide is the ocean. and a lowering of the pH of surface seawater. Such a pH effect has not been observed but conceivably could occur if carbon dioxide continues to be released to the atmosphere by human activities.

Carbon can leave the soil through soil respiration which releases CO2, or by erosion which can carry it into rivers or the ocean, where it then enters the hydrosphere. Alternatively, the extraction and burning of fossil fuels by human activity can release carbon into the atmosphere.

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