English, asked by nnevhoj, 2 months ago

what are the new knowledge that you've learned and how does it affects/ improves/ helps your daily lives especially in this time of pandemic? if you answer this question I will mark you


Answered by akhil392semwal


This year had been very different from the past years. The only reason behind that was the virus named Novel Corona Virus Disease 19 or simply the covid 19 or the corona disease. It a number of new experiences in life of people since, they never were so much forced to be locked at home and to be far away from their loving ones. This disease helped us to once again remember that how important role does health and hygiene plays in common life . After being locked in houses for such long times people understand the importance at both level , the individual level sustainability and at nationwide economy. It helped us to improve our relationships with our own family members who otherwise barely get time to talk due to their day to day chorus . These are only a few to say the list of merits and demerits are too long.

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