Biology, asked by janvibhagat4, 10 months ago

what are the parts of permanent merestem?​


Answered by vaibhavlspise2001


These are the tissues that come from meristematic tissue and are matured. The meristematic cells form permanent tissue once they loose the ability to divide. This cells have definite shape,size and function and may be dead or living. The process by which cells arise from meristematic tissue and take up a permanent shape,size and function is called

Permanent tissues

differentiation. Permanent tissues are of two types,

Simple permanent tissue.

Complex permanent tissue.



This type of tissue are made of one type of cells. Simple permanent tissues are of three types,






CHARACTERISTICS- it is the basic packaging tissue that fills the spaces between other tissues and is found most abundantly in plants.They have unspecialised/ undifferentiated cells with thin cell walls made of cellulose. they have large intercellular spaces as the cells are loosely packed. Cells have dense cytoplasm and nucleus and large vacuole.

FUNCTION- This tissue provide support to plants and parenchyma of stem and roots stores nutrients and water and is called as STORAGE PARENCHYMA. when it contains chloroplast having chlorophyll and performs photosynthesis, it is called CHLORENCHYMA. In aquatic plants, parenchyma has large air spaces to provide buoyancy to plants to help them float and exchangegases, it is called AERENCHYMA.

LOCATION- This type of tissue found in non woody or soft parts of roots,stem,flowers,leaves and fruits.



CHARACTERISTICS- The cells are living, elongated and irregularly thick at the corners made of cellulose or pectin they have very less or no intercellular spaces. The cells have a nucleus, dense cytoplasm and Large vacuole.

FUNCTIONS- These cells provide flexibility (elasticity) and mechanical support to the aerial parts of the plants and allows them to bend.

LOCATION- This type of tissue is found in leaf stalks, below epidermis of leaves and stem.



CHARACTERISTICS- The cells are long, narrow thick walled due to deposition of lignin. Such cell walls are called as lignified walls and have pits. These cells lack intercellular spaces due to deposition of lignin. The cells do not have a nucleus and cytoplasm and are dead.

FUNCTIONS -These cells provide rigidity and strength to plants and makes it hard and can bear stress and strains.

LOCATION- This type of cells are found in stems,around vascular bundles,in the veins of leaves.



This type of tissue is made up of more than one type of cells that have a common origin and work together to do a common function. Its function is to transport water,minerals and food to all parts of the plant. Complex permanent tissue is of two types,





The cells have thick walls.Elements are tracheids,vessels,xylem parenchyma,and xylem sclerenchyma. Vessels are the most important elements and are shorter and wider than tracheids. Vessels and tracheids have tube like structures that help in transporting water and minerals vertically efficiently. Conduction takes place in one direction. Xylem parenchyma stores food and helps in lateral conduction of water. In addition to transporting water and mineral salts from roots to leaves, xylem also provides support to plants and trees because of its tough lignified vessels. In xylem, only the Xylem parenchyma is living and all other elements are dead.

Bigger pink cells - Old xylem(meta xylem) Small pink cells - new xylem(proto xylem)



Elements of phloem are sieve tubes,companion cells,phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres. Seive tubes are tube like structures, The end walls are called seive plates and are perforated due to presence of pores. Companion cells help in efficient functioning of sieve tubes. Phloem transports the prepared food from leaves to storage organ and from storage organ to growing regions. Hence the conduction is bi directional.In phloem all the elements are living except the phloem fibres.

thank you

plz mark as brainliest

Answered by prashant247


Promeristem or priordial meristem:

Primary meristem:

) Secondary meristem:

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