What are the parts of speech? Explain each parts of speech with suitable examples.
There are 8 parts of speech in English Grammar :-
1. NOUN : It is the name of a person, place, thing or idea.
For Example : Cow, Ram, Delhi etc.
2. PRONOUN : It is used in place of a noun or noun phrase to avoid repetition.
For Example : I, you, we, they etc.
3. ADJECTIVE : It describes, modifies or gives more information about a noun or pronoun.
For Example : big, happy, green etc.
4. VERB : It shows an action or state of being. A verb shows what someone or something is doing.
For Example : go, speak, run, eat etc.
5. ADVERB : It modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
For Example: slowly, quietly, very etc.
6. PREPOSITION : It comes before a noun or a pronoun to show relationship between a noun or pronoun to another word.
For Example : at, on, in, front etc.
7. CONJUNCTION : It joins two words or sentences in one sentence.
For Example : and, or, but, because etc.
8. INTERJECTION : It is a word or phrase that expresses a strong feeling or emotion.
For Example : Ouch! Wow! Great! etc.
There are 8 classes according to their functions in a sentence. The words are divided in 8 classes. These are called PARTS OF SPEECH.
# noun
# pronoun
# verb
# adjective
# preposition
# conjunction
# interjection