what are the plastids and how many types of plastids
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside some plants and algae which are primarily responsible for the activities related to making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic but some are not.
Following are the type of plastids:-
- Chloroplasts
- Chromoplasts
- Gerontoplasts
- Leucoplast
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside plants and some algae, which are primarily responsible for activities related to making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic, but some are not.
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside plants and some algae, which are primarily responsible for activities related to making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic, but some are not.Some of the most common plastids include:
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside plants and some algae, which are primarily responsible for activities related to making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic, but some are not.Some of the most common plastids include:Chloroplasts
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside plants and some algae, which are primarily responsible for activities related to making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic, but some are not.Some of the most common plastids include:ChloroplastsChromoplasts
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside plants and some algae, which are primarily responsible for activities related to making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic, but some are not.Some of the most common plastids include:ChloroplastsChromoplastsGerontoplasts
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found inside plants and some algae, which are primarily responsible for activities related to making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic, but some are not.Some of the most common plastids include:ChloroplastsChromoplastsGerontoplastsand Leucoplasts