what are the possible deviations from ideal behaviour??
The causes of deviations from ideal behaviour may be due to the following two assumptions of kinetic theory of gases.
The volume occupied by gas molecules is negligibly small as compared to the volume occupied by the gas.
The forces of attraction between gas molecules are negligible.
The deviation from ideal behavior is large at high pressure
The deviation varies from gas to gas
At lower pressures (<10 atm) the deviation from ideal behavior is typically small, and the ideal gas law can be used to predict behavior with little error
Deviation from ideal behavior is also a function of temperature:
As temperature increases the deviation from ideal behavior decreases
As temperature decreases the deviation increases, with a maximum deviation near the temperature at which the gas becomes a liquid
Two of the characteristics of ideal gases included:
The gas molecules themselves occupy no appreciable volume
The gas molecules have no attraction or repulsion for each other