what are the Preamble and what are value of Preamble and importance of preamble
Preamble - It is the initial part of the constitution which contains its basic fundamental principles, its aims, its objectives and the philosophy on which it is based.
The Indian constitution has a preamble which states all of its objectives and serves two following purposes for the same.
- It provides the source from where our constitution gets its authority.
- it states the objectives and motives that the constitution needs to follow.
The importance of preamble-
- The preamble has the power to legislate on any concerned field. No other external power has control over it. hence it is crucial for the proper governing of systems.
- It provides all source of authority to the people of India hence it upholds the true meaning of democracy in the country.
Answer:It is the initial part of the constitution which contains its basic fundamental principles, its aims, its objectives and the philosophy on which it is based.
The Indian constitution has a preamble which states all of its objectives and serves two following purposes for the same.
It provides the source from where our constitution gets its authority.
it states the objectives and motives that the constitution needs to follow.
The importance of preamble-
The preamble has the power to legislate on any concerned field. No other external power has control over it. hence it is crucial for the proper governing of systems.
It provides all source of authority to the people of India hence it upholds the true meaning of democracy in the country