what are the precautions to be taken while selecting the seeds
(i) Seeds should be grown at proper depth. (ii) They should be sown at a proper distance apart from each other. (iii) Seed used for sowing should be clean, healthy and free from any disease or infection
Seed selection is very important step in cultivation, quality of seeds should always be good so that we may get better production of crops.
For sowing, seed selection depends upon the following factors:
1. We should select whole seeds and broken or crushed seeds should be avoided.2. The sowing quality of seeds should be high.
3. They should have high germinating capacity.
4. Seeds should be free from infection.
5. The seeds should not be mixed with seeds of weeds or with other seeds.6. Seeds should be disease-resistant.
7. The seeds should be purchased from good shops or should be supplied by good seed agency (certified seeds).
In India central seeds committee tests gives a certificate for good quality and purity of seeds. These seeds are known as certified seeds.
There are two methods in sowing the seeds.
1. Broadcasting:
Wheat, maize and paddy are sown by this method. In this method seeds are sprinkled or thrown in a random manner in the cultivated field. This method is common in agriculturally backward areas.
2. Seed-drilling:
Sowing of seeds is done in lines by seed-drill, it is called drilling. There are two kinds of seed-drills—automatic and hand-operated. A seed drill is long metal tube with fingers and a funnel at the top where the seeds are fed. The drill is attached to the plough, as the plough makes furrows in the soil, the seeds are dropped fairly and equally by the drill.