What are the principles of protein crystallization
This chapter discusses various aspects of the physical chemistry of protein crystal growth. Proteins are crystallized from aqueous solutions using methods that have been extensively studied for simpler molecules and salts. Proteins typically appear to be able to form crystals over a fairly large range of solution conditions. However, conditions required to produce large ordered crystals occupy a smaller fraction of the total crystallization parameter space. Stochastic events are important in protein crystallization. Solution fluctuations provide the driving force for homogeneous nucleation in supersaturated solutions. Effects are amplified in the small solution volumes used in vapor diffusion experiments, where high surface area volume ratios produce transient concentration gradients. Temperature and vibration are important factors in controlling crystal nucleation and growth. Solution parameters change during crystal growth. The bulk protein concentration decreases as crystals grow, while the concentration of impurities increases. Many crystallization reports emphasize the need to use pure proteins to ensure crystal reproducibility. Changes in a single experimental parameter can simultaneously influence several aspects of a crystallization experiment. The interaction of parameters makes it difficult to design experiments to isolate individual effects and likewise complicates the interpretation of experimental results.
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