What are the problem of local self government
1 Low Funds
2 Low technology
3 Low people participation & awareness about its importance
4 Administrative incompetence
5 Became hub for another political warfare
6 No expert/professional guidance
7 Illiterate people think to be better out of local management
8 Corruption
9 Local social organisation/‘s hold immense hold over wards
10 Less cooperation & coordination from state & central govt
11 Their demand not taken seriously by higher hierarchies of Governance
12 Geo-spatial disputes with district authorities
13 Jurisdictional disputes with various authorities
14 Etc….
Fund : Local government has no source of revenue except the grants form state and central, which has political base rather than requirement
Local government are allowed to collect taxes form locals, but due to inadequate man power,lack of digitization, and awareness they fails to
collect tax and generate revenue.
Function: Although 73rd and 74th amendment provided comprehensive list for area of function enumerated in schedule 11 and 12 in constitution of India.
Most of these items are overlapping with the functions of the state list. Therefore they have very less scope to be meaningful.
Functionaries : Due to uncertainty for flow of funds. Local Government are unable to attract best talent to work with them.
(If organisation is unable to secure funds for itself they how will they pay salaries to the employee)
Other Major problem:
* Lack of Awareness, people are not aware about who actually is responsible for particular lacunae.
* Corruption, Since people are not aware about rights this give opportunity for corruption. It results in "Trust Deficit", that's why people do not attempt to know. see this brings kind of vicious cycle.
* Violence and Politicization, this is major issue here. If any minister from Sate Cabinet resort to violence it will become nation issue in newspaper. But if local goon who wields power in local governance resorts to violence then there is little hope for justice
Low Funds
Low FundsLow technology
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importance
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetence
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetenceBecame hub for another political warfare
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetenceBecame hub for another political warfareNo expert/professional guidance
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetenceBecame hub for another political warfareNo expert/professional guidanceIlliterate people think to be better out of local management
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetenceBecame hub for another political warfareNo expert/professional guidanceIlliterate people think to be better out of local managementCorruption
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetenceBecame hub for another political warfareNo expert/professional guidanceIlliterate people think to be better out of local managementCorruptionLocal social organisation/‘s hold immense hold over wards
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetenceBecame hub for another political warfareNo expert/professional guidanceIlliterate people think to be better out of local managementCorruptionLocal social organisation/‘s hold immense hold over wardsLess cooperation & coordination from state & central govt
Low FundsLow technologyLow people participation & awareness about its importanceAdministrative incompetenceBecame hub for another political warfareNo expert/professional guidanceIlliterate people think to be better out of local managementCorruptionLocal social organisation/‘s hold immense hold over wardsLess cooperation & coordination from state & central govtTheir demand not taken seriously by higher hierarchies of government