Biology, asked by MarciaRoyal9695, 11 months ago

What are the products of digestion of fat and proteins in human beings?


Answered by ralphwangxpc0zxn

For proteins: proteins are broken down into amino acids, which are then used either to build other proteins or converted into sugar. NH3 (and sometimes H2S) is produced as a waste product.

The fats that do get digested are broken down into sugars and organic acids, both of which are digested the same way.

When sugars are digested, CO2 and H2O are produced. If the person is low on oxygen (during intense exercise, for example), lactic acid will be produced instead (which is then broken down into CO2 and H2O when oxygen becomes plentiful again). Thus, the ultimate products of digestion are CO2 and H2O, with small amounts of NH3, most of which is lost through breathing, with some lost through sweating and urine. And don't forget the solid waste that never gets digested.

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