What are the prominent areas where is is used in science and engineering
Science, technology and engineering for
innovation and capacity-building in education
and research
Report of the Secretary-General
Executive summary
Although there is consensus that technological change is
a driver of economic growth, many developing countries have
yet to benefit from the promises of science, technology and
innovation (STI). The potential contribution of STI to the
achievement of development goals is, and will continue to be,
constrained by structural barriers and systemic weaknesses at
the local, national and global levels, and by the long lead time
required to build indigenous technical and non-technical
indigenous STI capabilities.
Indigenous capabilities in STI are essential for the
achievement of both short- and long-term development goals.
Therefore, building science, technology and engineering for
innovation capacity should be elevated from a missing or
marginal component of the development agenda of many
developing countries to an essential policy of every country’s
strategy for alleviating poverty, achieving the Millennium
development Goals (MDGs), and enhancing economic and
social development.
Efforts should be stepped up to share policy-related
experiences, through North–South and South–South
cooperation, and through existing and new regional and
international agreements.