What are the property of carbon
The property of carbon are as follows :
1. it forms covalent bond
2. it is tetravalent
3. it can form long chain of it's atom ( catination )
1) Atomic number: 6.
2) Electronic configuration: 2, 4.
3) Tetravalency: Carbon has a valency of four so it is capable of bonding with four other atoms of carbon
or atoms of some other mono-valent element.
4) Valency of carbon:
• To complete the octet, either carbon can gain for electrons or lose 4 electrons.
• But if carbon gains electrons, it would be difficult for nucleus to hold 4 extra electrons as carbon
atom is very small in size
• If carbon atom loses its electron, it would require large amount of energy to remove 4 electrons as
attraction force of nucleus is more in carbon atom.
• Thus, it is difficult for an atom of carbon to either gain or lose electrons.
(Carbon makes for covalent bonds and attains the noble gas configuration by sharing its valence
5) Self- combination (Catenation)
Due to small size of carbon, it has a unique ability to combine with other carbon atoms to form long
chains. This ability of carbon is known as Catenation.