English, asked by Divineshallots09, 9 months ago

what are the pros and cons for being an female wrong answer would be reported​


Answered by Anonymous



Higher social dominance: Grab a shopping cart with a lady and go back and forth through IKEA. Switch who’s pushing the cart and observe the behavior shift. I can push a cart faster going the wrong direction in IKEA than a woman can the right direction. Need to get through a crowd quickly? Let the man lead.


Burden of responsibility: The world is on our shoulders and men don’t have nearly as many emotional outlets. We are not allowed to be weak by social standards. Reference the rate of suicide after divorce between men and women. We are punished more severely and more often for our mistakes, and have less standing in family courts.

Answered by ChromaticSoul


  • Have a higher social value: Men are more likely to sacrifice themselves for women. In any given altercation, women are more likely presumed to be the innocent party and have less social pressure to constrain themselves physically.
  • Vastly greater social and political power in the middle to lower end: Women are allowed the right to vote unrestricted and men must register with selective service or have a exemption. They have far higher rates of favorable division of assets and custody in the event of divorce.
  • Women experience an earlier and far higher sexual value: From about 16 to mid-twenties, women are typically at the peak of their ability to attract a mate. With makeup and clothing, they’re able to extend this range both directions and increase overall appeal. (Yes, creepily as that is, young girls can make themselves look older and more appealing. This is why smart men are keen to ascertain a girl’s age fairly early.)
  • Far fewer expectations placed upon them: Women don’t experience near the career expectations and pressure that men do. You face far less criticism for a unmarketable liberal arts degree and are more apt to be the one who stays home with children, if you have them.
  • Childbirth and sexual capacity: Being able to bear children and nurture them is a bond that can never be duplicated by men. Assuming an equally giving and capable sexual partner, women are capable of multiple climaxes.
  • Control of relationships and sexual access: While men are the gate-keepers of commitment, women are really the deciders of relationships. Men pursue, women decide how far they can get. The power of sorting a prince from the poison is firmly in your hands.


  • Pedestalization: You’re rarely taken as you are, or taken as seriously. You struggle more to be heard, and even more to be respected.
  • Lack of inherent leadership: You are almost never deferred to. While you may lubricate the gears of society, you don’t build or direct them nearly as much.
  • Highly perishable attractiveness: You’re usually best paired up with older men, but the lower edge of your range rapidly diminishes as you age. When you hit thirty, it’s extremely difficult to find another 30 year-old man; he’s at his peak and more interested in a comparable woman who’s in her early twenties.
  • You can’t have your cake and eat it, too: Contrary to rhetoric you have to make a choice between career and family. You are far more likely and have far greater pressure to sacrifice your personal goals to pursue family needs. (Men don’t have this any easier: see #4 for men’s cons.) and
  • You are far more tethered to your children: While few women regret their children (thankfully,) they are more tightly tied to them. In the event of a divorce or children out of wedlock, regardless of the initiating circumstances, you more often have to bear the burden of responsibility for them. While the man may have to sacrifice more financial assets, he’s often more free to pursue personal interests and new partners. Single mothers have far far more disadvantages in attracting a stable marriage partner. These problems are typically avoidable through judicious use of Pro #6
  • Attracting partners: Women are conditioned and expect to be passive in attracting the men they want. This can be done, unfortunately, no one told them that “attracting” is an active verb and involves excellent placement. (Go read the book of Ruth and how she was directed to attract Boaz. He didn’t just fall in her lap one perfect day.)
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