What are the pulses which are of short duration and can be grown in post Rabi
Land requirement : As the dry land crops are dependant on residual soil moisture without irrigation, the soils should have excellent water holding capacity with better drainage and rich in organic carbon. Traditionally rabi lands were very much reserved by keeping them fallow in kharif following frequent tillage through harrowing which help water conservation and weed control. However, now a days short duration kharif crops maturing before September end or early October (e.g. mung, udid soybean) are followed by rabi pulses. Under such circumstances, it is very necessary that the kharif crop is weed free with better mulching for soil moisture conservation. Immediately after harvest of kharif crop, it is necessary to have harrowing to have better pulverized seed bed without much loss of soil moisture for rabi pulses.Sowing : Sowing of rabi pulses under dry land condition should synchronise better soil moisture availability. For this reason it is sown immediately after the land preparation (after harvest of short duration kharif crops. The optimum sowing time, seed rate, spacing for various rabi pulses are given in Table 3. They are however adjusted as per the soils and climates of different regions and states. In North-India prevailing cool, humid weather in November, permit the sowing of pulses as late as November end. However, in Central & South India dry land rabi sowing is restricted earlier by mid October.