English, asked by Kulsumkhan1, 1 year ago

what are the qualities of a gentleman at least 8 with brief description about the qualities


Answered by Mimu123
1.Perfect patience:One of the traits of a true gentleman is patience. Men, sometimes without realizing it, will push you to be physical. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it can make you uncomfortable if you’re not ready to move forward. A true gentleman will understand yourdesire to wait, and he won’t judge you if you agree to move fast. He won’t question your morals, and he’ll fully support whatever decisionyou make.2.Manly manners:When he meets your parents, you’re not worried about what he’ll say. He’s never inappropriate, so you won’t spend all of dinner kicking him beneath the table. Of course,he’ll do some traditional things as well. He’ll pull out your chair for you and hold open doors. Mostimportantly, he’ll treat you like you deserve to be treated.3.Limits language:Real gentlemen act a bit differently than princes in Disney films do. He's not going to go around singing and dancingin order to declare his love for you. Your relationship is going to be raw and real. Life isn’t a G rated movie and cursing isn’t the end of the world. If he swears in excitement or anger, let it slide. It’s nothing to be angry about. Although, if his curses are aimed at you, that’s another story.4.Small sweetness:Please and thank you are tiny words with a big impact. It’s important for a man--or anyone for that matter--to show appreciation. Small comments can make someone’s day. Don't you love when your hair is unexpectedly complimented? Or the way the woman at the grocery store counter always shares her wisdom? You want your man to be nice to waiters and to smile at passersby. He’ll be the friendly stranger they wish they knew, but you’re lucky enough to be with forever.5.Keeps calm:Everyone’s allowed to get angry, but a gentleman handles his annoyance in a serene way. When the highway is clogged with traffic, he doesn’t give the middle finger to hisfellow drivers. When he’s bothered by his boss, he doesn’t throw out slurs. He knows how to handle his temper. He doesn’t let his frustration alter his personality.6.Marvelous morals:He would never take advantage of a girl. He would never steal. He would never drink and drive. In other words, he wouldn’t do anything that he believes is wrong. He has strong morals, so he knows what his limits are.7.Causes comfort:He won’t tell inappropriate jokes. He won’t push you to talk about a subject that unnerves you. He’ll make sure that he’s notdoing anything that would make you uncomfortable. When you’re around him, you’re completely at ease. Except for the butterflies in your stomach, of course.8.Open minded:A true gentleman agrees to disagree and respects other people's opinion. Especially in today's society, everybody wants to throw in their own two cents and there is nothing worse than having someone there trying to make you see things the way they see them. A true man knows how to respect different opinions instead of just selfishly demanding you to comply to his.
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