What are the reasons for first angle - maratha war ?
The first Anglo-Maratha War triggered off because the English got themselves involved in the domestic affairs of the Marathas with the motive of deriving certain privileges.
After the third battle of Panipath, the Marathas sought to unite themselves under the leadership of Nana Phadnavis around Peshwa Madhav Rao II.
But one Raghunath Rao claimed for himself the office of the Peshwa and appealed to the English for help: The English, who espoused the cause of Raghunath Rao, thus got involved in a war with the Marathas (1775).
Initially, the English suffered reverses and were compelled to sign the convention of Wadgaon (1779). The matter worsened for the English when the Nizam and Haidar Ali also declared war against them.
In the teeth of the crisis Warren Hastings acted with sagacity. He saved the situation for the English by alienating the belligerent parties from one another.