What are the resonance forms of the peptide group and explain its importance.
Resonance in the Peptide Bond. Introduction to Protein Structure. Resonance of the Peptide Unit. The amide structure has two resonance contributors: Because the bond between the carbonyl carbon and the nitrogen has a partial double bond character, rotation around this bond is restricted.Partial-Double Bond of Peptide Bond[edit] The stability of the peptide bond is due to the resonance of amides. With resonance, the nitrogen is able to donate its lone pair of electrons to the carbonyl carbon and push electrons from the carbonyl double bond towards the oxygen, forming the oxygen anion.Double Bonds Are Rarely Called Partial, When The Term Is Used It Often Means That The Overlap Of Orbitals In Pi Bond Is Poor And The Effect Of This Second Bond On Bond Strength And Length Is Small.These Bonds Are Rigid And Planar, Due To Electron Sharing Between The Carboxyl Carbon And The Amide Nitrogens Which ...