Biology, asked by rrpatil2565, 1 year ago

What are the salient features of protista


Answered by appulu1
1-they are single called colonial, filamentous eukaryotes.
2-thy grows at humid and moist environment.
3-some are photosynthetic but some are non photosynthetic.
4-some forms are like animals whereas some are live plants.
5-they have membrane bound cell organelles.
Hopes its help you....☺
Answered by sujit21
This group consists of many types of unicellular eukaryotic organism. It’s salient features are:·
They are simple, unicellular eukaryotic organism.·They have a defined nucleusand membrane bound organelles.·
Locomotion occurs with the help of hair like structures called cilia e.g.( Paramecium), whip like structures called flagella (Euglena) or Pseudopodia e.g. Amoeba.·
Some protests synthesize their own food i.e. they are autotrophic, while others show heterotrophic modeof nutrition.
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