Biology, asked by oas50, 1 year ago

what are the salient features of robespierre's government how slavery was finally abolished in France ​


Answered by TanishkaGupta

Answer: Robespierre was a believer of absolute radical idealogy and thinks that poor people should get equality and proper justice. we all know how his idealogy changed into genocide, but he was also the first to demolish slavery and aristocracy. So even he did such genocides for a redeculant cause, he first introduced the idea of abolition of slavery but later unfortunately it was again re-established by first dictattorate Napoleon Bonaparte.

Answered by 22advi

Robespierre tried his best to bring equality among French people by all means. The salient features of his government are given below:

(i) Robespierre's government issued laws placing a maximum ceiling on wages and prices. Meat and bread were rationed.

(ii) Peasants were forced to transport their grain to the cities and sell it at prices fixed by the government.

(iii) The use of more expensive white flour was forbidden. All citizens were required to eat the pain d'egalite (equality bread), a loaf made of whole wheat.

(iv) Equality was also sought to be practised through forms of speech and address.

(v) Instead of the traditional Monsieur (sir) and Madame (Madam) all French men and women were henceforth Citoyen and Citoyenne (citizen).

(vi) Churches were shut down and their buildings converted into barracks or offices.

⚡ hope it helps you⚡

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