what are the salient features of the 73rd amendment of the Indian Constitution
Another amendment was introduced which was passed and became the 73rd amendment Act which was brought into force by a notification with effect from April 24, 1993. This Act makes the details of the transfer of power to the Panchayat a part of the most basic document of this nation: the Constitution of India. Some of the important features of this amendment Act are as under:
Gram Sabha-The Act has restored the important role of the Gram Sabha. It is clear that the primary source of democratic power is in the village. The Gram Sabha is expected to be an active institution for starting all development activities based on local needs.
Three-tier Model-The country will have a uniform three-tier system of panchayats (at village, intermediate and district levels). Only the states with a population less than twenty lakhs would not need to establish a panchayat at the intermediate level.
Reservation of Seats-The Act provides for reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in every panchayat in proportion to their population. One-third of the seats reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will also be reserved for women. Not less than one-third of the total number of seats to be filled by direct election shall be reserved for women. The offices of the chairpersons in the panchayats at the village or any other level shall be reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in proportion to their population. Also, one-third of the total number of chairpersons’ offices in the panchayats at each level shall be reserved for women.
Composition of Panchayats-Direct election to the panchayat is one of the distinguishing features of this Amendment. Persons chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies shall fill all the seats in a panchayat. The chairperson at the village level shall be elected in such a manner as the legislature of the state may provide. The chairperson at the intermediate and district levels shall be elected by and from amongst the elected members.
Duration of Panchayats-Every panchayat shall remain in office for five years normally. If it is dissolved for any reason before this period is over, elections will be held within six months. The reconstituted panchayat shall function for the remaining period of the total of five years.
Conduct of Elections- The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral roll for, and the conduct of, all elections to the panchayats shall be vested in the State Election Commission. The State Election Commission will be responsible for conducting elections, i.e. they will make the lists of all the people who are eligible to vote and ensure that the elections are held in a free and just manner.
Finance Commission-In order that enough funds are made available to the panchayats for initiating various development activities, the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 provides for the constitution of a Finance Commission in every state. This commission is to be constituted by the Governor of each state within one year from the commencement of the Constitution Act, 1992 and at the end of every five years thereafter. These commissions will be responsible for reviewing the financial condition of the panchayats and make recommendations to the respective Governors.
Development Activities-The Act gives powers and responsibilities to the panchayats to plan and execute economic development programs. Such responsibilities include the making of plans for economic development and social justice and the implementation of schemes listed in the Eleventh Schedule. These activities as listed for the panchayat institutions may be grouped under five categories for academic purposes.
i) Economic Development: There are 11 items, which talk about economic development. One of them relates to anti-poverty programs, such as JRY, IRDP, etc. The other areas are agriculture, land improvement, minor irrigation,animal husbandry, fishery, social forestry, minor forest produce, small scale and cottage industry, fuel and fodder.
ii) Education: There are five items under this category. Primary and secondary schools, non-formal education, libraries, technical training and cultural activities.
73rd Amendment Act Salient Features. Gram Sabha-The Act has restored the important role of the Gram Sabha. It is clear that the primary source of democratic power is in the village. The Gram Sabha is expected to be an active institution for starting all development activities based on local needs.