Physics, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

What are the salient features of Valence bond theory (VBT)


Answered by Jaishree123


Salient features of VBT: 1) A central metal ion provide number of vacant s,p & d orbital to ligands to form coordinate bond. 2) Number of vacant orbitals provided by central metal ion will equal to its coordination number.

Answered by Anonymous

The salient features of valence bond theory are:

1. There is the formation of a covalent bond between two atoms when they overlap with half-filled orbitals of two atoms.

2. When there is overlapping of two atoms sideways, the covalent bonding is named pi bonding.

3. When there is overlapping of two atoms linearly along its axis, the bend is called sigma bonding.

4. The two electrons of opposite spin occupy the resultant overlapped orbits.

5. The strength of the covalent bond is directly proportional to the extent of overlapping atomic orbitals. This implies greater the overlap, the energy released is high resulting in the formation of a stronger bond.

6. Except for spherical orbital, all the other orbitals have a specific direction. Therefore, the overlap takes place in the direction that maximum overlapping.

7. There is the classification of bonds as a pi bond or sigma bond depending on its nature of overlap.

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