what are the scientific name of coconut, paddy
Cocos L.
Mature, ripe coconuts can be used as edible seeds, or processed for oil and plant milk from the flesh, charcoal from the hard shell, and coir from the fibrous husk.
Cocos nucifera
Part Used: Oil of the seed
In a Word: Skin healer
Uses: Anytime the skin is red, raw, sore or in need of general healing.
Palm trees are fascinating plants. They are some of the most ancient plants on the planet. They were around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth and unlike the dinosaurs, they are still around. Apart from being an ancient life form, they, as a group provide us with some very powerful medicine.
The coconut palm, date palm, saw palmetto, and the oil palm are just four examples of palms that produce substances used in healing. It is curious to note that around the world palm products are used as sources of healing power when a person needs some healing. The Arabians use the dates to boost a persons vitality when they are suffering from serious illnesses such as cancer and tuberculosis. Saw palmetto was used first by the Native Americans and then by the
colonials to treat wasting conditions. Conditions in which the body slowly disappears until death occurs