what are the secondary sexuall characteristics in girls and boys
secondary sexual characteristics in males are
Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair. Loss of scalp hair due to androgenic alopecia can also occur.
Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the femur, rather than behind it (as is typical in mature females)
Growth of facial hair
Enlargement of larynx (Adam's apple) and deepening of voice[12]
Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average
Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.[7]
Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair
Greater development of thigh muscles behind the femur, rather than in front of it (as is typical in mature males)
Widening of hips;[8] lower waist to hip ratio than adult males
Elbows that hyperextend 5–8° more than male adults[9]