Music, asked by sayalikurhadkar86651, 11 months ago

What are the similarities of traditional music between Indonesia and Philippines?


Answered by HiFiRanjha


So I'm using the description 'Indonesian music' as an umbrella term for the ... The similarities is that we have folk and traditional music. ... Thai have Isan style, Indonesia have dangdut.

♥️Mark my answer as brainliest

Answered by heena571


please mark my answer the brainliest one and follow me I will follow u and please like me


Philippines and Indonesia are so similar in general. At least if you only compare the general condition about the area near the capitals.

I am a 22 years old Indonesian and last year (2012) I stayed in Philippines (only Manila) for nearly two months to do my internship. At first, I inquiry about the cost of living from my friends there, and it is quite similar with Indonesia. So then I depart.

When I arrived and walk around Metro Manila (walking and using Jeepney and trains), it feels like somehow I transferred back to downtown Jakarta/Tangerang but suddenly everyone couldn't speak Indonesian, and I doesn't know my ways around. Other than that, the people looks the same. The building looks similar. The roads is quite the same, with the same amount of vehicle and traffics, and the means of transportation is similar, too. When I wonder around Makati, it also feels like the uptown Jakarta, and Quezon is similar with Depok, another city near Jakarta.

I don't engage in business or knows about something extraordinary, it's just about the ordinary living aspect

Education :

The education system is different with Indonesia, most apparent is the age group. I should say that I like Indonesian system better, but I don't know which one is better. The children in Philippines finish college at the age of 20. They start at 16. I say, some people may have enough maturity to face the world at that age, but not all. What said about scholarship in Indonesia maybe true, but sometimes the cash are very slow to arrive at the hands of the students.

Culture, Landscape, entertainment, Language, tourism... You got my point :

People in Philippines are way nicer. I even have to doubt why people still said that Indonesian people are nice. They are nicer in the Philippines. I even got greetings from securities and shopkeeper which shops/institution I didn't visit.

They got culture left by both Spanish and America. The Merienda (Tea Time) thing and the interest of dances, some of the language and buildings are left by the Spanish for sure. And there are still a lot of Spanish people come to Philippines. For America, they most likely follow America in system, and seems to be supported a lot by America.

About the landscape, there are a lot of buildings still in the state left by America or Spain. And it's beautiful buildings. I love to see it. And it made the landscape, in my opinion, better than Indonesia. There are a lot of small roads, but not going around with no exit like in Indonesia. I have walk by foot on both, and I say Indonesia's roads are way more confusing.

About language, their second language is sure English, and some people could speak Spanish, and they are good at it. I mean, even the people selling goods on the road could talk basic English. That is not the case in Indonesia. You could find some very fluent English Speaker, but not everyone could speak English.

About tourism, I love how Philippines seems like they love history and art. Especially performance art. Mimes, theater, dances, etc. And because of that, they love museums. The museums there are way better than Indonesia. And way more expensive as well. I went to Mount Taal and Corregidor Island, and truthfully, Indonesia's natural panorama is better, but there are no place like Corregidor or American Cemetery place in Indonesia. No place like Bonafficio Global City either. Their malls is also great.

The religion, while in Philippines the majority is Catholic (well, the biggest Catholic country in Asia, one of Spain's other inheritance), in Indonesia is Muslim. You could see church and Jesus everywhere, the same with how you could see Mosque everywhere in Indonesia. But I think the religion is more peaceful and compromised in Philippines than in Indonesia.

Oh yeah, because of the religion... I am very shocked to see Sister holding DSLR camera in Philippines. I never see one holding any gadget in Indonesia!

It also give me chill when I see gunshop in Philippines.

W heather :

What made me very thankful to be Indonesian after I left Philippines is because I experience the Philippines tornado first hand. It's not a good memory - I was locked in my room with my Filipino roommates, that luckily teach me how to deal with it. They have tornadoes that made 3 of my umbrella broken, and could made the roads flooded just 5 minutes ssince they started.

That was maybe why Philippines didn't allow people to carry umbrella in their carry-on baggage in airport. Hehe.

I think that's all. Sorry that it becomes my story and rants, and that I couldn't give bigger picture, instead I give small, daily things to compare. I hope that answer some of the question!

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