What are the simple delights of nature that we miss in our rushed life? Give your answer in detailed form.
There are many and not one for sure! Nature is beautiful and ojr soul gets relaxed whenever we enjoys it. Its peaceful. But now a days its diminshing from our lived which is really sad and hard to beleive but it is true. The sound of nature such as chirpingg of birds in inaudible due to traffic on roads or honking of vehicles. The fresh air is replace by the polluted air due to Huge building construction or automobiles smoke. Many of the things have changed and our mother earth is suffering the same from this issue. Everyone wants things from earth but no one wants to give to the earth.
As an important saying, we have for evryone's need but no for anyone's greed.
But this saying is just unacceptable in our environment because everyone wants for their greed and not for the limited need.