what are the social economic changes initiated by jawaharlal nehru as a prime minister?
long but easy to understand (•‿•)
It was left to Nehru to actually put much of this into practice after he became the first prime minister of independent India. Economic modernization was an essential part of his overall vision of an India that could hold its own in the world after centuries of foreign domination. In his The Idea of India, a classic study of Nehruvian India published in 1997, the political scientist Sunil Khilnani wrote: “Discussions on national progress were now being formulated in the technical vocabulary of economics...Nehru’s intention had been to subordinate the civil servants to the superior rationality of economists and scientists." Nehru also invited some of the greatest economists from around the world to participate in the formulation of the landmark Second Five-Year Plan that was launched in 1956.
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