what are the sources of environmental law
The national environmental law of India has its formal sources in the Constitution, legislation, rules, regulations and judicial decisions.
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These include international conventions, customs, a set of general principles followed by the civilised nations, judicial opinions and precedents of experts and academicians for the ascertainment of laws. Apart from the said sources, newer law-making processes can also be considered to formulate an opinion of the law.
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What are the sources of environmental law in Nigeria?
Under Nigerian law, environmental law includes all the sources of Nigerian law that impact the environment. As a federation, there are numerous sources of environmental law including the Constitution,22 International treaties, state laws, local government laws, and common law.
What are the six major sources of environmental law?
Common Law. Under the common law, environmental litigation revolves around six doctrines: nuisance, trespass, negligence, strict liability, prior appropriation, and riparian rights.