what are the stains used in mounting the slide to observe the mitochondria and chloroplast
In mitochondria
Janus Green B is a basic dye and vital stain used in histology. It is also used to stain mitochondria supravitally, as was introduced by Leonor Michaelis in 1900. The indicator Janus Green B changes colour according to the amount of oxygen present. When oxygen is present, the indicator oxidizes to a blue colour.
In chlroplast
Place a single leaf on a microscope slide, add a drop of water and a cover slip. Look at the leaf down a microscope and see if you can identify the small green chloroplasts. If you have difficulty seeing the chloroplasts, look at the cells at the edge where the leaf is very thin.
Janus Green B
Janus Green B is a basic dye and vital stain used in histology. It is also used to stain mitochondria supravitally, as was introduced by Leonor Michaelis in 1900. The indicator Janus Green B changes colour according to the amount of oxygen present. When oxygen is present, the indicator oxidizes to a blue colour.