What are the steps in involved in extraction of mercury from it's ore?
Plz answer
Metallurgical operations include:
1. crushing of ore
3.concentration of ore /ore dressing/benefaction
a. hand picking
b. hydraulic washing
c. magnetic separation
d. froth floatation
e. leaching
4. oxidation
5. reduction
a. chemical reduction
b. auto reduction
c. displacement reduction
d. electrolytic reduction
6. refining of crude metal
a. distillation
b. liquation
c. electrolytic refining
d. zone refining
e. vapour phase refining
process of extraction of Mercury (Hg) from it's
sulphide ore Chinnabar (HgS) is as follows:-
• Cinnabar ore is mined in it's concentrated form.
• It is crushed in a cone crusher.
• Powdered from the ore is heated at 300 degree celcius
• Roasting process is carried out, where combustion reaction occurs in the presence of oxygen.