What are the steps of vermicomposting?
The method of making compost from kitchen garbage by using redworms is called vermicomposting. The steps for preparing vermicompost are:
1) Dig a pit about 30 cm deep.
2) Spread a chicken mesh or net at the bottom of the pit. A layer of sand of about 2-3 cm is also laid on the mesh.
3) Spread a layer or two of peels of fruits, vegetable wastes, green leaves, husk, pieces of newspapers, dried animal dung over the sand layer.
4) Sprinkle a small amount of water to make the layer wet.
5) Press the layers so that it has sufficient air and moisture.
6) Add some redworms into the pit.
7) Cover the whole pit loosely with a gunny bag or an old sheet of cloth.
8) Redworms need food. Add vegetables and fruit peels, coffee and tea remains and weeds from the field or garden.
9) Do not add salt, pickles, oil, vinegar, meat and milk preparations as they may cause growth of disease-causing organisms. Redworms do not survive in very hot or very cold surroundings.
10) After 3-4 weeks, add some more waste food in one corner of the pit to encourage the worms to shift towards the newly added food.
(11) Remove the compost from the pit and dry it in the sun for a few hours.
The vermicompost becomes ready for use.