Geography, asked by karthya9414, 10 months ago

What are the steps taken by the government to conserve our wildlife and varied fauna


Answered by Dhaval1234
Top 10 ways to save wildlife

Adopt. From wild animals to wild places, there's an option for everyone. ...Volunteer. If you don't have money to give, donate your time. ...Visit. Zoos, aquariums, national parks and wildlife refuges are all home to wild animals. ...Donate. ...Speak Up. ...Buy Responsibly. ...Pitch In. ...Recycle.


 \huge{ \underline{ \overline{ \mid{ \mathfrak{ \purple{ \:   \: ANSWER \:  \: } \mid}}}}}

The fauna and flora of India are diverse with a variety of animals as well as plants varieties. For the protection and preservation of the various species of flora and fauna, the government of India has taken many initiatives.

 \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \underline{ \texttt{\red{ Some steps taken by the government of }}} \\  \underline{ \texttt{\red{ India to protect the flora and fauna are : }}}

 \texttt{(1) By implementing Wildlife Protection } \\  \texttt{Act, 1972 in India.} \\  \\  \texttt{(2) By setting up wildlife sanctuaries, } \\  \texttt{zoological gardens, national parks and } \\  \texttt{biosphere reserves all over the country.}  \\  \\  \texttt{(3) By setting up botanical gardens } \\  \texttt{and providing financial and technical } \\  \texttt{assistance to them.} \\  \\  \texttt{(4) By establishing "Wildlife Crime } \\  \texttt{Control Bureau" for the prevention of  } \\  \texttt{haunt and illegal trade of flora and fauna. } \\  \\  \texttt{(5) By introducing many development and } \\  \texttt{awareness programmes for the flora and fauna.}

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