what are the symptoms of food poisoning? name two microorganisms which cause food poisoning.
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Food poisoning actually is caused by microorganisms that are in the food that we eat and may not be destroyed by cooking.
There are actually three different categories of these microorganisms that could cause food poisoning if proper food safety precautions are not followed.
The three types are bacteria, virus, and parasite
parasite-Cryptosporidium Parvum
Giardia Lamblia
bacteria-Staphylococcus Aureus
E. Coli
Listeria Monocytogenes
virus-A virus is not as common as bacteria when it comes to food poisoning, but it is still a possibility. The main two types of food-borne viruses are Hepatitis A and norovirus. Generally, these contaminate foods that have been grown in or near sewage.
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