English, asked by pg9567543, 9 months ago

what are the terms of the pottery reffered to in the obove extract ? who devised it ?​


Answered by PrincessTeja


the lottery referred in the extract is: portia's father had devised a lottery of caskets and he kept her portrait in one of the caskets. her marriage depends on the suitor's choicing the right casket. According to the lottery, each suitor has to choose from amongst the three caskets of gold, silver and lead.

Answered by liamajith900


This is a list of pottery and ceramic terms.


Ball clay. A secondary clay moved from the parent rock, ball clay is often mixed with other clays and minerals, organic matter are frequently present. Ball clays commonly exhibit high plasticity and high dry strength.(W)

Band. are lines marked around circular ceramic utensils, plates, jars or lids using any method of decoration which can be applied at all stages of manufacture. Banding is the action of marking a band.

Bat. or "batt." Less commonly also known as a "batterboard", thin slab of wood, plaster, or plastic used to support pottery forms during throwing, attached to the head of the potter's wheel by clay body or "bat pins".

Bentonite. An extremely plastic clay which can be added in small quantities to short clay to make it more plastic.

Biscuit or occasionally bisque. Pottery that has been fired but not yet glazed. (W)

Biscuit porcelain Unglazed porcelain as a final product, with a matt surface resembling marble.

Biscuit firing. For twice fired ware the first firing prior to glazing and subsequent firing again.

Bloating. The permanent swelling of a ceramic article during firing caused by the evolution of gases.

Blunging. suspending ceramic raw materials in liquid by agitation.

Body. The structural portion of a ceramic article, or the material or mixture from which it is made.

Bone ash. Calcined (or not) animal bone used in the production of bone china. (W)

Bone china. Vitreous, translucent pottery made from a body of the following approximate composition: 45-50% calcined bone, 20-25% kaolin & 25-30% china stone. (W)

Bone-dry The final stage of greenware dried to a completely dry state and ready to be fired. In this stage, the clay is very fragile, non-plastic and porous. Approximately 45-65% of moisture is retained within the clay body.

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