English, asked by lizabethpeter, 1 year ago

what are the things the speaker wish to do in lake isle of innisfree​


Answered by harshita839


In "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," what are the simple things the poet wants to do in Innisfree?

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Jaysun eNotes educator| Certified Educator

I think Yeats wrote “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” not as an autobiographical poem, but rather from the imagined perspective of a country peasant. It is probably more correct, therefore, to talk about what the speaker, rather than the poet, plans to do in Innisfree.

In Innisfree, the speaker plans to be self-sufficient. He plans to build his own home, “a small cabin,” and grow his own food (“Nine bean-rows will I have there”). Innisfree is an uninhabited island in Ireland, and the speaker wants to live there alone, implying that he is fed up with people. Indeed, he wants to go to Innisfree because he believes that he “shall have some peace there.” He also expresses a desire to listen to and be at one with the natural world. He wants to live “alone in a bee-loud glade” and listen to the “lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore.”

Answered by RidhimaPaliwal

The speaker wishes to build a small cabin with clay and wattles, he also wants to grow beans and he wants to live alone in an open area of the beautiful lake isle of innisfree.


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