What are the threats that Caribou are facing?
The main threat to woodland caribou is habitat deterioration, from either fragmentation, degradation or loss. Habitat fragmentation can also contribute to an increase in predation. Woodland caribou have adapted to an ecosystem in which forest fires are the main type of disturbance.
Sample Response:
Climate change is a major threat to these caribou. As temperatures in the artic raise due to global warming, the moisture in the air also increases. This increase in moisture allows for greater snow falls and freezing rain. These events limit the food, lichen, that caribou eat. Also, effecting the Caribou’s food is the increase of fire, which is caused by summer droughts. Additionally, as temperatures are rising earlier in the year, the plants that caribou eat are maturing early. When caribou migrate and begin to eat these plants, the plants do not contain the same nutritional values, causing the caribou to extend more energy foraging for additional food. Humans have also played a direct role in the decreased population of Woodland Caribou. Humans have poached these animals, logged their habitats and built roads through their habitats. Motorized vehicles have also played a role by pushing caribou from their habitats.